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Date | Title | Files and Links | |
EE HPC WG Liquid Cooling Controls Team Whitepaper This paper defines data inputs for dynamic controls to manage high performance computing (HPC) facilities and IT control systems. |
EE HPC WG Liquid Cooling Controls Team Whitepaper.pdf
Data Centers and Advanced Microgrids Meeting Resiliency, Efficiency, and Sustainability Goals Through Smart and Cleaner Power Infrastructure While other facilities such as military bases, hospitals, and universities are exploring the concept of an advanced microgrid, data centers have been slow to warm up to the concept. |
schneiderelectricnavigantresearchdatacentersandadvancedmicrogridswhitepaper102017pdf (3).pdf
Small Data Centers, Large Energy Savings: an Introduction for Owners and Operators Webinar features Steve Greenberg, a lead author of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s "Small Data Center Energy Savings Guide," who provides actionable guidance to save energy in small data centers (less than |
Small Data Center Presentation.928.17.pdf
Presentation: Federal Utility Partnership for Data Centers Presentation slides from a September 14th, 2017 webinar. The webinar provided an overview of the Center of Expertise for Energy Efficiency in Data Centers' resources available to utilities and outline a strategy for U.S. |
Utility Partnerships Webinar Slides Sept-13-17.pdf
Utility Energy Efficiency Program Design: Server Room Assessments and Retrofits This paper presents a suite of programs and services to help utilities capture the market opportunity of energy savings in data centers. |
Utility Energy Efficiency Program Design.pdf
Understanding and Designing Energy Efficiency Programs for Data Centers.pdf
DCOI Guide for Data Center Migration, Consolidation, and Closure This guide supports Federal agencies in their data center management while ensuring that planning is comprehensive for the evaluation, migration, and consolidation of data centers. |
DCOI migration guide.pdf
Presentation: Practical Considerations for Metering and Power Usage Effectiveness Slides from Dale Sartor's August 17, 2017 presentation on metering and Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) while participating in FEMP's Energy Exchange Data Center Panel. |
Sartor Metering and PUE EExchange.pdf
Energy-Savings Opportunities in Small Data Centers Slides from Steve Greenberg's August 17th, 2017 presentation during FEMP's Energy Exchange Data Center Panel. |
Energy Exchange 2017: Better Buildings, Better Data Centers Presentation from the August 14th, 2017 1/2 day pre-conference Energy Exchange Workshop. |
Energy Exchange Data Center Workshop 081117.pdf
DOE Data Center Air Management (AM) Estimator: User's Manual This document provides users with everything they need to know about the Air Management Estimator, a simplified version of the DOE Data Center Air Management Tool. |
DOE AM Estimator
User's Manual v1 (6-30-2017) (1).pdf |
Data Center Energy Efficiency Best Practices Workshop |
FEMP Flier-7-13.pdf
Harmonization of Open Standards: Development of a Liquid Cooled Rack Specification Presentation slides from the 2017 Data Center Dynamics Conference in Shanghai. The panel discussed the development of the liquid cooling rack specification and the standards harmonization project. |
SHANGHAI DCD Liquid Cooling panel 061517.pdf
Small Embedded Data Center Program Pilot A 2016 U.S. |
Air Management in Small Data Centers (PG&E) This report focuses on improving air management in small data centers (<5,000 square feet) due to the great potential for energy savings. |
Data Center Air Management Estimator The Data Center Air Management Estimator is a simplified version of the Air Management Tool that uses the same engine. The input options in this tool have been reduced in favor of increased clarity. |
AM Estimator Version 1-0_0.xls
Improving Energy Efficiency for Server Rooms & Closets A guide outlining effective methods to increase energy efficiency- ranging from low to high cost. |
Improving Energy Efficiency for Server Rooms and Closets.pdf
Top 12 Ways to Decrease the Energy Consumption of Your Data Center A brief brochure compiled by ENERGY STAR that reviews the top ways to decrease energy consumption in data centers. |
DataCenter-Top12-Brochure-ENERGY STAR.pdf
ENERGY STAR Page on Enterprise Servers Overview of ENERGY STAR certified Enterprise Servers. |
Better Buildings, Better Data Centers: Applying Best Practices Workshop Presentation Slides from Dale Sartor's presentation on best practices at the California Higher Education Sustainability Conference. |
CHESC Data Center Workshop 062017 (1).pdf
Best Practices for Data Center Energy Efficiency Presentation slides from the Shanghai Data Center Dynamics half day workshop on best practices for data center energy efficiency. |
Shanghai Data Center Dynamics Workshop 060917 (1).pdf
Shining a Light on Small Data Centers in the U.S. This report analyzes the distribution of small data centers across the United States by geographic distribution and by building activity. |
Small Data Centers, Large Energy Savings(Presentation) Slides from Steve Greenberg's webinar on Saving Energy in Your Small Data Centers. |
Small Data Centers, Large Energy Savings Presentation03292017.pdf
Small Data Centers, Big Energy Savings The purpose of this brief guide is to present opportunities for small data center owners and operators that generally make sense and do not need expensive assessment and analysis to justify. |
Small Data Centers, Big Energy Savings.pdf
Humidity Control in Data Centers This report reviews the evolution of humidity control in data centers and makes recommendations on how to meet the current humidity control requirements in an energy-efficient manner. Guidance on the use of evaporative cooling is also provided. |
Humidity Control in Data Centers.03242017_0.pdf