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Date | Title | Files and Links | |
Webinar: Data Center Energy Practitioner (DCEP) Training - Informational Webinar This training, presented by CoE in February 2023, introduces attendees to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Data Center Energy Practitioner (DCEP) training program. |
DCEP Awareness Webinar_revised_020923 FINAL.pdf |
Achieving the 20MW Target: Mobilizing the HPC Community to Accelerate Energy Efficient Computing The growth rate in energy consumed by data centers in the United States has been declining in the past five years compared to its earlier accelerating pace. This reduced growth rate was achieved in large part due to energy efficiency improvements. |
Webinar: Computer Server Selection Guidelines for Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization in Data Centers This webinar and report provide guidelines for selecting air-cooled computer servers to facilitate energy efficiency and decarbonization in data centers. |
Webinar Server Selection Guidelines 8-18-2022.pdf
Computer Server Selection Guidelines 12-22.pdf |
The Current State of the Data Center Optimization Initiative: Lessons Learned & Opportunities for Improvement Established by the U.S. |
The current state of DCOI_0.pdf
Department of Energy(DOE) Energy Assessment Process Manual The process manual provides administrative step-by-step instructions for conducting an energy assessment (before, during, and after the assessment). |
DOE_LBNL Data Center Energy Assessment Process Manual DOE v3_032222.pdf
Computer Server Selection Guidelines for Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization in Data Centers This report addresses air-cooled computer server selection guidelines in order to facilitate energy efficiency and decarbonization in data centers. |
Computer Server Selection Guidelines 12-22.pdf
Open Specification for Liquid Cooled Rack – Transfer Fluid This Transfer Fluid specification is one section of a comprehensive Specification for the overall Liquid Cooled Rack System. |
232500 Transfer Fluid Water Treatment For Closed Loop Hydronic Systems 122221 clean.docx
Webinar: Tracking Data Center Efficiency: What PUE Can Tell Us and Where We Can Look To Better Understand Energy Performance In this November 2021 webinar, LBNL presented its latest snapshot of efficiency in data centers, based on nearly 60 assessments of energy use and efficiency opportunities in data centers from 2006 to 2020. |
DC Database and ODI_102921_FINAL for posting.pdf
Webinar: Accessing Onboard Server Sensors for Energy Efficiency in Data Centers A data center houses a compute infrastructure as well as support infrastructure such as cooling and electrical systems. All this equipment needs constant monitoring to operate cost effectively. |
Accessing Onboard Server Sensors FINAL_102520.pdf
Webinar: Barriers to Data Center Energy Efficiency: The Role of Organizational Behavior, Psychology, and Economics (Held September 2nd, 2021). |
Barriers Webinar 9.1.21.pdf
NetApp Case Study NetApp, Inc., is a hybrid cloud data services and data management company headquartered in Sunnyvale, California. NetApp has five data centers (Sunnyvale, CA; Durham, NC; Boulder, CO; Amsterdam; and Bangalore). |
NetApp Bangalore_Case Study - Free Outside Air Cooling_IGBC & LBNL 2021.pdf
Warm-Water Cooling in Sandia National Laboratory HPC The 2021 case study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory succinctly outlines the latest in the innovative "warm-water" approach at Sandia. |
Sandia HPC Liquid Cooling_Case Study_NREL_July 2021.pdf
Cooling Performance Testing of Attaway's Negative Pressure CDU Attaway is a recently installed High-Performance Computing (HPC) machine at Sandia National Labs that is 70% water-cooled and 30% air-cooled. |
Sandia HPC Liquid Cooling_Case Study_NREL_July 2021.pdf |
"Hot" for Warm Water Cooling The transition from air to liquid cooling is an inflection point providing an opportunity to work collectively to set guidelines for facilitating the energy efficiency of liquid-cooled High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities and systems. |
Hot for Warm Water Cooling.pdf
Cooling the Data Center: Design of a Mechanical Controls Owner Project Requirements (OPR) Template As the power demands of supercomputers continue to grow, so do the demands of the mechanical cooling systems that support the infrastructure and building in which the supercomputers reside. |
Cooling the Data Center_ Design of a Mechanical Controls Owner Project Requirements (OPR) Template.pdf
Datacenter Air Management Tool User Manual Use manual accompanying the Air Management Tool. |
DOE AM Tool--User's Manual v2 (6-30-2021).pdf
Harnessing the Power of Data Analytics for Reliable and Efficient Data Center Operations at LBNL’s High Performance Computing (HPC) Center Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) pioneered using data analytics tools for operational reliability and efficiency at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC). |
2021-ASHRAE-virtual-conf_Liu_NERSC (submitted).pdf
Cooling Data Centers with Warm Water Presentation from 5/27/2021 on cooling data centers with warm water. |
Sartor IEEE Madison 052621 (1).pdf
Webinar: Thermal Guidelines and Temperature Measurements in Data Centers Accurate and cost-effective temperature management in data centers is not only important for air management and overall energy efficiency but also for thermal management of the IT equipment. |
Thermal Guidelines Webinar 5-12-2021_v2._FINAL (1) (1).pdf
ECBC 2017 Data Center User Guide Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the Confederation of Indian Industry – Indian Green Building Council developed this guide to aid data center developers, suppliers and operators in complying with the Energy Conservation Building Code of 2017 an |
Emergence and Expansion of Liquid Cooling in Mainstream Data Centers The IT industry is at a performance inflection point. When purchasing a new computing device, it is expected to be more powerful than the previous generation. |
Marine Corps Air Station Miramar and NREL: Allies in Energy Efficiency, Systems Integration, and Resilience This case study explores the collaboration between NREL and Marin Corp Air Station (MCAS) Miramar to build a new efficient, resilient, and cost-effective data center. |
NREL Program News_Miramar Data Center_04-06-21.pdf
ISO 50001 Certification Designed to support organizations in all sectors, ISO 50001 provides a practical way to improve energy use, through the development of an energy management system (EnMS). |
Contracting for Efficiency: A Best Practices Guide for Energy-Efficient Product Procurement Contracting for Efficiency: A Best Practices Guide for Energy-Efficient Product Procurement, provides guidance to agencies with reg |
DCEP Process Manual Manual provides administrative step by step instructions for conducting an energy assessment (before, during, and after the assessment). |
DCEP Process Manual v3.2 (2-2-2021).pdf