Collecting, Monitoring, and Analyzing Facility and Systems Data at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
As high-performance computing (HPC) resources continue to grow in size and complexity, so too does the volume and velocity of the operational data that is associated with them.
camera ready version - paper7.pdf
Operational Data Analytics: Optimizing the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center Cooling Systems
In 2017/2018, the Energy Efficient HPC Working Group (EE HPC WG) Dashboard Team conducted an analysis that assessed the current use of information dashboards for operational facility management in major supercomputing centers around the globe, resulting
Operational Data Analytics_NERSC_Cooling_Systems.pdf
Implementing ECBC 2017 in Data Centers Advisory Group Meeting
Slide deck on the ECBC User Guide effort from July 2019 Advisory Group Meeting.
ECBC Guide_Advisory Group minutes 080519.pdf
Advisory Group Meeting | July 2019
Agenda and meeting minutes from the second advisory group meeting for the Indian Data Center Efficiency Initiative.
Agenda 2nd AGM Data Centers Taj West End Bangalore 17 Julyv1.02.pdf
IGBC and LBNL Project Review Meeting Agenda
Agenda from the February 2018 Project Review Meeting
Advisory Group Meeting Feb 2018_Agenda.pdf
A Joint Initiative of IGBC and LBNL US for Enhanced Energy Efficiency in Indian Data Centres
Presentation slides from the July 2019 Advisory Group Meeting.
2nd AGM Bangalore_SRD (1).pdf
India Data Center Initiative | July 2019 Advisory Group Meeting
Resources from the July 2019 Advisory Group Meeting.
Agenda - AGM July 2019.pdf
Meeting Minutes - AGM July 2019.pdf
ECBC User Guide Presentation - AGM July 2019.pdf
Slide Deck - AGM July 2019.pdf
Free Cooling to Optimize Operational Expenditure
Presentation made during the July 2019 Hyderabad Green Data Center Workshop.
Free Cooling to optimize Operational Expenditure.pdf
Hyderabad Green Data Center Workshop Agenda & Flier
Promotional materials from the July 2019 Hyderabad Green Data Center Workshop.
Green Buildings and Green Data Centers Flyer_FINAL.pdf
ANSI Workshop - Green Buildings 15 July Hyderabad_v1.04_bp.pdf
Half Day Workshop on Enhanced Energy Efficiency in Indian Data Centers (Flier)
4_eflyer-Data Center workshop mumbai.jpg
Update to Data Center Optimization Initiative (DCOI)
On June 25, 2019, OMB released an update to DCOI (
An Analysis of Contracts and Relationships between Supercomputing Centers and Electricity Service Providers
Increases in peak electricity demands and the growing use of renewable energy — with associated intermittency and variable output — present new challenges to electricity service providers (ESPs).
An Analysis of Contracts and Relationships between Supercomputing Centers and Electricity Service Providers.pdf
Capex free sourcing of renewable energy and storage solutions by Corporate India: A New Trend
3_CleanMax Presentation for CII Data Centre.pptx
Agenda: Half Day Workshop on Green Data Centres: Joint Initiative of IGBC and LBNL US for “Enhanced Energy Efficiency in Indian Data Centre Projects”
Agenda_Workshop on Green Data Centers Mumbai _Agenda 14 May 2019 (2).pdf
Benefits of Green Data Center Rating System and New Initiatives by IGBC and LBNL
1_DC Rating System_Presentation 14 May 19_IGBC.ppt
Practical Experiences in Optimising Cooling System
2_Schneider Air-cooled small chillers_IGBC event.pptx
Excellence in Design & Operation through Electrical Infrastructure
4 Des & Ops Excllnce_Mr Pritam Goyal.pptx
Thermosyphon Cooler Hybrid System for Water Savings in an Energy-Efficient HPC Data Center
In August 2016, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) installed a thermosyphon hybrid cooling system to reduce water usage in its already extremely energy-efficient High- Performance Computing (HPC) Data Center.
Thermosyphon Cooler Hybrid System for Water Savings in an Energy-Efficient HPC Data Center
Improving data center operational efficiency requires focusing on both energy and water usage. The U.S.
Thermosyphon Cooler Hybrid System for Water Savings Paper.pdf
Using a Thermosyphon Hybrid Cooling System to Optimize Data Center Water Efficienc
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) data center is home to warm-water liquid-cooled high-performance computing (HPC) systems that—while ultra energy efficient—generate a tremendou amount of heat.
Fact Sheet_0.pdf
CoE Fact Sheet
This fact sheet on FEMP's Center of Expertise (CoE) for Energy Efficiency in Data Centers to reviews purpose of the program, popular tools and resources, training opportunities, and more.
Capex Free Sourcing of Renewable Power and Storage Solutions: A New Trend
Slides from the Capex Free Sourcing of Renewable Power and Storage Solutions: A New Trend presentation, made in Bangalore on February 13th, 2019.
CleanMax Presentation for CII_13.02.2019_WIP.pdf
Design and Operational Excellence for Enhanced Sustainability
Slides from the Design and Operational Excellence for Enhanced Sustainability presentation in Bangalore on February 13th, 2019.
Design and Operational Excellence for Enhanced Sustainability _epi India Mr Siddharth Jain.pdf
Implementing Instructions for Executive Order 13834 Efficient Federal Operations
This document provides Federal executive departments and agencies (agencies) with instructions regarding implementation of Executive Order (E.O.) 1383
Energy Performance Evaluation of Aquila’s Aquarius Fixed Cold Plate Cooling System at NREL’s High Performance Computing Center
This paper gives an overview of the Aquarius fixed cold plate cooling technology and provides results from early energy performance evaluation testing.