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Focus areas
Date Title Files and Links
How to be Cloud Smart: IAAS Considerations for the Data Center Community
This whitepaper from the Data Center Optimization Initiative (DCOI) PMO, shares some of those lessons learned to provide a holistic view of cloud adoption and enable the federal data center community to be “cloud smart.”
IAAS Considerations for the Data Center Community.pdf
Data Center Metering and Resource Guide
Guide intends to help data center owners and operators implement a metering system that allows their organizations to gather the necessary data for effective decision-making and energy-efficiency improvements.
ENERGY STAR Data Center web page
ENERGY STAR page that includes links to purchase ENERGY STAR certified enterprise servers, storage, UPSs, and network equipment.

FEMP's Covered Product Categories searchable table
Federal agencies are required to purchase energy-efficient products.

Accelerating Energy Efficiency in Indian Data Centers: Phase II Final Report
This report documents Phase II of the “Accelerating Energy Efficiency in Indian Data Centers” initiative, which built on Phase I findings related to international best practices and how existing energy efficiency standards in India could address data ce
Accelerating Energy Efficiency in Indian Data Centers: Phase II White Paper
This white paper is a condensed version of Accelerating Energy Efficiency in Indian Data Centers: Final Report for Phase II Activities.
United States Data Center Energy Usage Report (Presentation)
Slides from Arman Shehabi's webinar on the United States Data Center Energy Usage Report.
Practical Considerations for Metering and Power Usage Effectiveness
Slides presented by Dale Sartor to the Better Buildings Data Center Partners on November 2, 2016.
CEE Data Centers and Business IT Program Summary
The Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE)'s Data Centers and Business IT Program Summary provides a downloadable Excel spreadsheet of the data center incentives that CEE members offer.

Applying Data Center Energy Efficiency Best Practices
Presentation slides from Dale Sartor's session at the Designing, Deploying and Managing Efficient Data Centers Conference in Santa Clara, CA.
SartorBest Practices_100816.pdf
Data Center Optimization Initiative (DCOI) Website
The DCOI website contains additional information including how to join the DCOI Community of Practice and the data center listserv.

FEMP's Energy Efficiency Resources for Data Centers
Presentation slides covering the Federal Energy Management Program's data center-related resources. By Dale Sartor at the Data Center Optimization Initiative's Community of Practice meeting, October 2016.
Getting Data Center Management Started with Profiler Tools
Presentation slides that introduce the Data Center Profiler (DC Pro) Tools available to help data centers estimate Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) without sub-metering. 
DC Pro User's Manual
User's manual for the Data Center Profiler (DC Pro) Tool, V4. DC Pro estimates a data center’s current and potential Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and energy use distribution. It also provides a tailored list of recommended tasks for improvement.
Evidence-Based Best Practices Around Data Center Management
Best practices document associated with the Data Center Optimization Initiative (DCOI).
Better Buildings, Better Data Centers: Applying Best Practices
Presentation slides from Dale Sartor's Data Center Energy Efficiency Best Practices Workshop. The workshop was hosted as an Energy Exchange pre-training event in Providence, Rhode Island.
Re-examining HPC Energy Efficiency Dashboard Elements
With increasing high performance computing (HPC) energy consumption and the rising cost of energy, it has become important to be able to monitor and manage energy and power consumption.
Data Center Optimization Initiative (DCOI) Memorandum
The Data Center Optimization Initiative (DCOI), as described in memorandum M-16-19 dated August 1, 2016, requires agencies to develop and report on data center strategies to consolidate inefficient infrastructure, optimize existing facilities, improve s

Data Center Metering and Power Usage Effectiveness Webinar
Presentation slides from the 7/28/2016 Data Center Metering and PUE Webinar hosted by Steve Greenberg from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL).
United States Data Center Energy Usage Report - Presentation
Slides from Arman Shehabi covering the United States Data Center Energy Usage Report. Presentation was given at the Data Center Dynamics Webscale San Jose, California.
2016 Best Practice Guidelines for the EU Code of Conduct on Data Centre Energy Efficiency
Document is a companion to the European Union (EU) Code of Conduct on Data Centre Energy Efficiency and provides the full list of identified Best Practices for data centre operators as referenced in the Code of Conduct Participant and Endorser Guideline

The European Code of Conduct for Energy Efficiency in Data Centre
This Code of Conduct is a voluntary initiative aimed to bring interested stakeholders together, including the coordination of other similar activities by manufacturers, vendors, consultants and utilities.

DCEP Typical Training Agenda
DCEP Training 3-Day Agenda 6-28-2016.pdf
PUE Estimator User's Manual
User's manual for the PUE Estimator, V1. The tool quickly provides an estimate of a data center’s current Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and energy use distribution.
Supercomputing Centers and Electricity Service Providers: A Geographically Distributed Perspective on Demand Management in Europe and the United States
Supercomputing Centers (SCs) have high and variable power demands, which increase the challenges of the Electricity Service Providers (ESPs) with regards to efficient electricity distribution and reliable grid operation.