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Date | Title | Files and Links | |
Energy Efficiency Challenges and Way forward Presentation from the one day national workshop on “Enhanced Energy Efficiency in Indian Data Centers,” held in July 2018. |
Energy Efficiency Challenges in Data Center_PC Lohia.pdf
Data center growth in the United States: decoupling the demand for services from electricity use Data centers are energy intensive buildings that have grown in size and number to meet the increasing demands of a digital economy. |
Data center growth in the United States.pdf
Lessons Learned from the World’s Most Energy Efficient Data Center Slides from U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) presentation at Data Center World 2018. |
Thermosyphon Cooler Hybrid System for Water Savings in an Energy Efficient HPC Data Center: Modeling and Installation The Thermosyphon Cooler Hybrid System (TCHS) integrates the control of a dry heat rejection device, the thermosyphon cooler (TSC), with an open cooling tower. Johnson Controls partnered with two national laboratories—the National Renewable Energy L |
Thermosyphon Cooler Hybrid System for Water Savings.pdf
Making a Splash: Targeting Water Saving Measures for the Highest Impact Slides from NREL's presentation at the 2018 Better Buildings Summit Energy Exchange on designing and building the world's most efficient data center, with a focus on water savings. |
Targeting Water Saving Measures for the Highest Impact-NREL.pdf
Liquid in the Rack: Liquid Cooling Your Data Center Slides from NREL's presentation at the 2018 Better Buildings Summit Energy Exchange on designing and building the world's most efficient data center, with a focus on liquid cooling. |
Liquid Cooling Requirements White Paper In China and the United States, data centers are growing in number, size, and intensity, and consume a lot of energy. |
Liquid Cooling White Paper.pdf
The Facility Perspective on Liquid Cooling: Experiences and Proposed Open Specification Slides from the panel discussion at SuperCompute 2018 on experiences with liquid cooling and the proposed open specification. |
SuperCompute2018 Liq Cool.pdf
Practical Considerations for Metering Data Centers Slides from Dale Sartor's presentation on metering in data centers at Energy Exchange 2018. |
Sartor EE18_Metering Presentation052018.pdf
Alternative Financing of Data Center Energy Projects This slide deck covers opportunities for energy efficiency in data centers. It reviews alternative financing options for energy efficiency projects in data centers, with a particular focus on how ESPCs and UESCs can help advance efficiency. |
Sartor Data Center ESPC 110218.pdf
Establishing Metrics, Setting Goals, and Achieving High Data Center Energy Performance This slide deck is from the 2018 Better Buildings 7x24 conference. A panel of Better Buildings partners from Digital Realty Trust, Intel, and the Lawrence Livermore, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories will share their stories and lessons l |
7x24 DOE Better Buildings 100418.pdf
ENERGY STAR® Program Requirements for Computer Servers These Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR Specification requirements will take effect on June 17, 2019 and computer servers should be tested using SERT Version 2.0.1. The Version 3.0 specification will reco |
ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Computer Servers Program Requirements (1).pdf
Air Management Resource Webinar Slides from Magnus Herrlin's Air Management Resource Webinar. This webinar provides an overview of best practices in air management, including how to detect and correct problems. |
2018-07-19 Air Management Resource Webinar.pdf
Small Data Center Workshop Presentation Slides Presentation slides from Dale Sartor's Small Data Center Workshop at Energy Exchange on August 20th, 2018. |
How to Save Money in Your Small Data Center At Energy Exchange 2018, Dale Sartor & Steve Greenberg of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) held a workshop on money-saving actions that you can take in your small data center. |
Small Data Center Energy Exchange Workshop.pdf
A Joint Initiative to “Enhance Energy Efficiency in Indian Data Centers” Slides from the First Advisory Group Meeting |
Annexure-A IGBC and LBNL - DC Initiative, S Srinivas (1).pdf
India Data Center Initiative | July 2018 Resources and meeting materials from the July 2018 Advisory Group Meeting. |
AGM Meeting - Agenda - July 2018.pdf
AGM Meeting - Kickoff - July 2018.pdf AGM Meeting - Recommendations for 2017 ECBC Requirements- July 2018.pdf |
Demonstration: Portable Air Management Measurement Tools This report focuses on improving air management in small data centers due to the great potential for energy savings across the data center industry. |
Air Management Measurement Tool Demo FINAL 2-23-2018.pdf
Presentation: Harmonization of Open Standards Slides from Dale Sartor's presentation at the Data Center Dynamics Conference in San Francisco in June, 2018. The presentation covers the working group effort to develop a liquid cooled rack specification. |
Presentation Slides: Air Management Webinar Slides from Magnus Herrlin's April 12th, 2018 webinar on Air Management. In this webinar, participants will: |
Air Management Webinar_0.pdf
Data Driven. Advancing a Sustainable Future. (Video) What is the future of the cloud? Take an inside look at the rise of our data driven world and the environmental impact of the energy consumption that data centers have today. |
Presentation: Big Results in Small Places Exploring the Untapped Energy Efficiency Potential of Small Data Centers Webinar slides from Better Buildings' Small Data Center Webinar, held on January 9th, 2018. |
Big_Results_Small_Places-webinar slides.pdf
Energy and power aware job scheduling and resource management: Global survey initial analysis This work describes the motivation and methodology of a first-of-its-kind global survey of HPC centers actively employing Energy and Power Aware Scheduling and Resource Management solutions for their production systems. |
Energy and power aware job scheduling and resource management_ Global survey initial analysis.pdf
Energy and power aware job scheduling and resource management: An In-Depth Analysis This paper presents a detailed analysis of a first-of-kind global survey of high-performance computing centers that actively employ techniques within job scheduling and resource management middleware layers for managing energy and power on production su |
Energy and Power Aware Job Scheduling and Resource Management_ Global Survey — An In-Depth Analysis.pdf
Presentation: Environmental Conditions for Data Centers Slides from the November 2017 presentation on Environmental Conditions for Data Centers from Steve Greenberg of LBNL. |
DCOI LBNL Env Conditions webinar 110117.pdf