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Focus areas
Date Title Files and Links
Guidance on Identifying Zombie Servers in Data Centers
Data centers are an essential part of modern society, and most computer servers in these facilities are active and productive in storing, processing, and transm
Guidance on Finding Zombie Servers in Data Centers.pdf
IT Efficiency Tool
IT equipment is at the core of energy consumption in data centers. Energy savings at the IT level will have an impact on essentially all energy use in these facilities.
FINAL IT Tool User Manual 10-27-2023 Version 2.5.pdf
IT Tool 10-27-2023 - Version 2.5 Final Delivery.xlsx
Electrical Power Chain Tool
This Excel-based tool helps data center owners identify energy efficiency opportunities in the electrical power chain of a data center (transformers, generators, UPSs, power distribution units).
Electrical Power Chain Tool v2.5 7-13-2023.xlsx
Case Study: Sandia National Laboratories' Holistic Data Center Design Integrates Energy and Water Efficiency, Flexibility and Resilience
This NREL case study highlights Sandia National Laboratories and their holistic data center approach, which provides resilient energy- and water-efficient cooling for high-performance computing systems. Sandia’s optimized data center design and ope
Sandia Labs_Holistic Data Center Design.pdf
Computer Server Selection Guidelines for Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization in Data Centers
This webinar and report provide guidelines for selecting air-cooled computer servers to facilitate energy efficiency and decarbonization in data centers.
Webinar Server Selection Guidelines_FEMP-LBNL CoE_Sept. 2022.pdf
Computer Server Selection Guidelines 12-22 (4).pdf
Accessing Onboard Server Sensors for Energy Efficiency in Data Centers (Report)
Monitoring data center energy use at an aggregated level, as well as at the system level can provide data center owners and operators with critical insight that in turn, can help them reduce energy use.
FINAL Accessing Onboard Server Data 9-20-2021 (1).pdf
Data Center Master List of Energy Efficiency Actions
Comprehensive list of recommended efficiency actions for data centers. This living encyclopedia of measures also feeds into our Data Center Profiler (DC Pro) tool to provide tailored recommendations for improvements in data center energy management.
DCEE Actions Master List_090920_final.pdf
Investing In Data Center Resilience
Data centers are cornerstones of modern digital living. They often also are critical infrastructure, essential support for emergency response, health and governance.
Designing and Managing Data Centers for Resilience - Demand Response and Microgrids_3Dec2019.pdf
New Horizons: Getting Back to Liquid Cooling
Amidst a backdrop of increasing computing demand, warm liquid cooling is among the cutting edge technologies that have emerged to lower energy bills and improve resiliency in data centers.
CoE DCOI Fact Sheet
In June 2019, The Office of Management & Budget (OMB) released updated guidance on the Data Center Optimization Initiative (DCOI). OMB Memorandum M-19-19 rescinds and replaces OMB Memorandum M-16-19.
LBNL CoE DCOI Fact Sheet_1-30.pdf
Getting Started: Identifying and Assessing Energy Efficiency Opportunities in Your Data Center
This slide deck was presented at the Energy Exchange 2019 pre-conference workshop "Getting Started: Identifying and Assessing Energy Efficiency Opportunities in Your Data Center" on August 19th, 2019. The workshop covers:
EEx 2019 - Getting Started_ Identifying and Assessing Energy Efficiency Opportunities in Your Data Center_final.pdf
The Information Factories
Article Featured in Nature magazine in 13 September 2018 | Vol 561
Open Specification for a Liquid Cooled Server Rack
This document is a progress update on the development of an open specification for a liquid cooled server rack. The initiative to develop an open specification for liquid cooling is part of a larger initiative to harmonize international open standa
United States Data Center Energy Usage Report
This report estimates historical data center electricity consumption back to 2000, relying on previous studies and historical shipment data, and forecasts consumption out to 2020 based on new trends and the most recent data available.
System-Level Tools With Estimated Carbon Reductions
This webinar describes the system-level tools in the DOE/LBNL Data Center Energy Efficiency Toolkit, now updated to provide estimates of carbon reductions from the recommended efficiency measures.
Training- System Tools with Carbon Reduction 3-23-2022_1.pdf
DCEP Program Developers, Instructors, and Practitioners
List of developers, instructors, and practitioners for the DCEP program.
DCEP_LIST_Updated 2-4-2025 with February 2025 training.pdf
DCEP IT and Electrical Specialist Agenda
Typical training agenda for the DCEP IT and Electrical Specialist program. 
DCEP IT + Electrical Training 2-day Agenda 10-10-2024_0.pdf
DCEP Program Description
The purpose of this program description is to provide information about the US Department of Energy’s (DOE) DCEP certificate training program; the target audience is those interested in participating in the Program. 
DCEP Program Description 11-15-2024 - General.pdf
Webinar: Barriers to Data Center Efficiency: Insights from Experts and Operators
2023 barriers interview webinar v2.pdf
Check out webinar recording on the Whole Building Design Guide.
Webinar: Tour of the Center of Expertise (CoE) Data Center Energy Efficiency Toolkit
In this webinar, researchers from Berkeley Lab’s Center of Expertise for Data Centers (CoE) presented a high-level overview of the toolkit and its many resources.
Tour of CoE Toolkit Resources FINAL 10-10-2023.pdf
Click here to view the training recording on Whole Building Design Guide.
Webinar: Getting More Out of Your Data Center: Tips and Tools for Better Energy Performance
A data center houses computer servers, storage, and networking equipment as well as critical support infrastructure such as cooling and electrical systems.
Assessment tips from DCEP training 7-24-2023 - Updated_1.pdf
Air Management Tool User Guide
User Guide for the CoE's Air Management Tool.
DOE AM Tool--User's Manual v3.1 (7-25-2023).pdf
Electrical Power Chain Tool
This Excel-based tool helps data center owners identify energy efficiency opportunities in the electrical power chain of a data center (transformers, generators, UPSs, power distribution units).
Electrical Power Chain Tool v2.5 7-13-2023_0.xlsx
Data Center Air Management Tool
The Data Center Air Management Tool (v.3) was developed to accelerate energy savings in data centers without affecting the thermal IT equipment environment by identifying opportunities through air management upgrades.
AM Tool v3.0 (3-15-23) Distribution.xls
Air Management Tool User Guide, Air Management Tool Data Collection Guide, Air Management Tool Engineering Reference Manual
Datacenter Air Management Tool Engineering Reference
Engineering reference manual for the Air Management Tool. 
DOE AM Tool--Eng Reference v3 (3-15-2023).pdf