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Focus areas
Date Title Files and Links
High Performance Computing with High Efficiency
Presentation on the computational facility designed for the University of California in Berkeley, CA that was designed to accommodate either air or liquid cooling. 
CRT transactionpaperJune2009-6-5-09.pdf
Data Center R&D Roadmap
This document reflects the ideas and solutions expressed by the more than sixty experts who attended the “Vision and Roadmap Workshop on Routing Telecom and Data Centers Toward Efficient Energy Use,” held on October 15 and 16, 2008, at the Yahoo!
Energy Efficiency for Business Technology: Sacramento Municipal Utility Disctrict
Presentation given to the Sacramento Municipal Utility District. Author(s): Greenberg, S., M. Bramfitt, and P. Rumsey
Opportunities for Combined Heat and Power in Data Centers
Report analyzes the opportunities for CHP technologies to assist primary power in making the data center more cost-effective and energy efficient.
Indian Data Center Tip Sheet
This best practice tip sheet has been adapted from “A Quick Start to Energy Efficiency” developed by LBNL. 
Datacenter Tipsheet India_2009.pdf
Impact of Air Filtration on the Energy and Indoor Air Quality of Economizer-based Data Centers in the PG&E Territory
The goal of the project is to encourage the use of air economizers in data centers by developing a framework for making energy and lifecycle cost comparisons for various filtration options and to better understand the impact of climate on data centers.
PG&E Impact of Air Filtration_2009.pdf
High Performance Computing with High Efficiency
A new computational facility under design for the University of California in Berkeley, CA is such a center that is being designed to accommodate either air or liquid cooling. This paper describes the unique design features of this c
Verizon - DOE Assessment Identifies 30% Energy Savings for Broadband and Wireless Communication Company
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and utilizing new, energy-saving technologies are principal environmental objectives for Verizon Communications Inc. In 2008, the company participated in a U.S.
Direct Current Power for Data Centers of the Future
The Direct Current Power for Data Centers of the Future produced by LBL provides an in-depth overview of how direct current power can be deployed in your data center to achieve gains in energy efficiency.

Walkthrough of a Direct Current Data Center
The Walkthrough of a Direct Current Data Center video produced by LBL provides an in-depth walkthrough of the direct current powered data center on Sun Micr

Data Center Assessments to Identify Efficiency Opportunities Presentation
Presentation that outlines a number of tools and strategies to aid practitioners in reducing energy consumption in datacenters. Author(s): Tschudi, B.
DC Power Distribution Cuts Data Center Energy Use
California Energy Commission's Public Interest Energy Research Program (PIER) technical Brief on Direct Current (DC) Power. Author(s): Tschudi, B.
DC Power_PIER Brief_2008.pdf
Lucasfilm - DOE Assessment Evaluates Energy Performance of Largest Computer Network in Entertainment Industry
Populated with high-end servers, the Lucasfilm data center is critical to delivering large volumes of data and high-resolution images to the desktops of graphic artists, game developers, and motion picture directors.
Worldwide Electricity Use in Data Centers
This study estimates historical electricity used by data centers worldwide and regionally on the basis of more detailed data than were available for previous assessments, including electricity used by servers, data centern communications, and storage eq
Data Center Control with Wireless Sensor Technology and Airflow Management
Presentation demonstrating DASH, given at the California Franchise Tax Board.
DASH demo Presentation_2009.pdf
Energy Assessment Worksheets
This worksheet can be used to document metrics, actions and measurements. It is recommended that users first use the DC Pro tool before using this worksheet.
DC Power for Improved Data Center Efficiency
This report details a demonstration of alternative approaches for delivering power to computational and network equipment in a data center using Direct Current (DC) Power, and comparing its efficiency to the more traditional approach using AC.
DC Power Demo_2008.pdf
The Green Data Center: Steps for the Journey
This guide summarizes practical steps that project champions can take as they seek to establish and advance their data center's energy efficiency strategy. 
m06-IBMred-GreenDataCenterJourney (1).pdf
Energy Implications of Economizer Use in California Data Centers
In this paper, based on building energy models, we report energy savings for air-side and water-side economizer use in data centers in several climate zones in California.
Economizer Use CA_2008pdf.pdf
Data Center Research and the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Spotlight on LBNL's data centers work. In The Data Center Journal
DC Research and LBNL_2008.pdf
SuperComputers: Super Polluters?
As supercomputing moves into the petaflop era (1015 flops, or FLoating point Operations Per Second), improved energy efficiency and renewable energy sources provide the key to increasing computing power without exacting and undue cost on the environment
Super Computing_Data Center Journal.pdf
Particle concentrations in data centers
Study presents the first published measurements of particle concentrations in operating data centers. Indoor and outdoor particle measurements were taken at eight different sites in northern California for particulate matter 0.3–5.0 mm in diameter.
Partical concentations data centers_2007.pdf
2007 EPA Report to Congress on Server and Data Center Energy Efficiency
The United States (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed this report in response to the request from Congress stated in Public Law 109-431.
Data Center Energy Benchmarking: Part 2 - Case Studies on Two Co-location Network Data Centers (No. 18 and 19)
Case studies of two data centers within a co-location facility located on the sixth floor of a multi-story building in downtown Los Angeles, California (#18 and #19). General recommendations for improving overall data center energy efficiency inclu
Benchmarking case study 18&19_2007.pdf
Data Center Energy Benchmarking: Part 5 - Case Studies on a Corporate Data Center (No. 22)
Case study of data center located in an office building in Pasadena, California (#22). General recommendations for improving overall data center energy efficiency include improving the lighting control, airflow optimization, control of mechani
Benchmarking case study 22_2007.pdf