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Focus areas
Date Title Files and Links
Immersion Cooling of Electronics in DoD Installations
This demonstration, which took place at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington D.C., consisted of a commercially available high-performance computer immersed in the 3M Novec 649 liquid.
Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE)
The Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE) houses information on the financial incentives available for efficient data center equipment. The DSIRE database can be searched or filtered to access the relevant information.

Revised Specifications for Data Centers for Incorporation in ECBC - 2016, India
Presentation slides that introduce the data center specific technical specification/recommendations for the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) in India.
CII_LBNLWorkingGroupPres_April2016 .pdf
Better Buildings, Better Data Centers: Applying Best Practices
Presentation given by Dale Sartor at Rocky Mountain Green 2016 in Denver, Colorado April 21-22, 2016.
Status Report on Accelerating Energy Efficiency in Indian Data Centers and Developing Core IT Metric to Report Energy Performance of Data Centers
Presentation slides created to gather input on potential IT-specific energy performance metrics for reporting energy performance of data centers from a Core-IT Stakeholder Consultative Working Group in India.
Embedded Data Centers
This report provides an overview of the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance’s (NEEA’s) market research activities related to embedded data centers: server closets, server rooms, and localized data centers colocated in commercial, institutional, and ind
Accelerating Energy Efficiency in Indian Data Centers: Final Report for Phase I Activities
This report documents Phase I of the “Accelerating Energy Efficiency in Indian Data Centers” initiative to support the development of an energy efficiency policy framework for Indian data centers.
2015 Executive Order For Federal Data Centers (article)
Article by LBNL's Magnus Herrlin, and Bruce Myatt featured in Mission Critical Magazine's column, Zink Whiskers.

Example Data Center Energy Efficiency Assessment Report
Data center energy efficiency assessment completed for an anonymous federal agency (Agency X) using the Center of Expertise's assessment template.
Node Variability in Large-Scale Power Measurements: Perspectives from the Green500, Top500 and EE HPC WG
The last decade has seen power consumption move from an afterthought to the foremost design constraint of new supercomputers.
Node Variability in Large-Scale Power Measurements_ Perspectives from the Green500, Top500 and EE HPC WG.pdf
A practical approach to PUE (article)
Article by LBNL featured in Data Center Dynamics' opinion section and online newsletter.

Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) Data Centers
Overview of FEMP's data center work including CoE.

Data Center Metering and Resource Guide Presentation
Presentation given by Steve Greenberg at the 2015 Critical Facilities Summit. 
DC Pro - Full List of Questions
List of questions in the DC Pro tool, V4. Document can be printed to gather the required information offline. 
DC Pro Questions Checklist_09182015.docx
PUE Estimator - Full List of Questions
List of questions in the PUE Estimator tool, V1. Document can be printed to gather the required information offline. 
PUE Estimator Questions Checklist_09102015_0.docx
Better Buildings, Better Data Centers: Applying Best Practices
Presentation slides from Dale Sartor's Data Center Energy Efficiency Best Practices Workshop. The workshop was hosted as an Energy Exchange pre-training event in Phoenix, Arizona.
Energy Exchange DC Workshop_08102015.pdf
Silicon Valley Leadership Group (SVLG)
The Silicon Valley Leadership Group is a public policy business trade organization.

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
The Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. conducts research, development and demonstration (RD&D) relating to the generation, delivery and use of electricity for the benefit of the public.

AFCOM advances data center professionals by delivering comprehensive and vendor-neutral education and peer-to-peer networking to its members around the globe. 

The Up Time Institute
The Uptime Institute focuses on improving uptime management in Data Center Facilities and Information Technology organizations. Members represent Fortune 500 companies who collectively and interactively learn from each other.

The 7X24 Exchange is an industry association who's goal is to improve end to end reliability by promoting an exchange of information between those that design, build, and maintain data center facilities.

United States Telecom Association
USTelecom is the nation's leading trade association representing broadband service providers and suppliers. 

Energy Efficient High Performance Computing Power Measurement Methodology
This document recommends a methodological approach for measuring, recording, and reporting the power used by a high performance computer (HPC) system while running a workload.
Energy Efficient High Performance Computing Power Measurement Methodology.pdf
DOE's Better Buildings Data Center Partnerships Applying Best Practices to Meet the Challenge
Presentation given by Dale Sartor at the Data Center and Computing Conference in New York, NY.
The Emerging Chinese Market for Energy Efficient Data Centers
Presentation from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) webinar, The Emerging Chinese Market for High Performance Data Centers.
China Data Center EE Opportunities 20150519.pdf