Less, Brennan, Nasim A. Mullen, Brett C. Singer, and Iain S. Walker."Indoor Air Quality in 24 California Residences Designed as High-Performance Homes."
(2015). DOI
Turner, William J. N., and Iain S. Walker."Energy and IAQ Implications of Residential Ventilation Cooling."
Bonvini, Marco, Michael D. Sohn, Jessica Granderson, Michael Wetter, and Mary Ann Piette."Robust on-line fault detection diagnosis for HVAC components based on nonlinear state estimation techniques."Applied Energy
124 (2014) 156 - 166. DOI
Turner, William J. N., Iain S. Walker, and Max H. Sherman."Advanced Controls for Residential Whole-House Ventilation Systems."
Less, Brennan, Iain S. Walker, and Yihuan Tang."Development of an Outdoor Temperature-Based Control Algorithm for Residential Mechanical Ventilation Control."
Hult, Erin L., Henry Willem, Phillip N. Price, Toshifumi Hotchi, Marion L. Russell, and Brett C. Singer."Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde exposure mitigation in US residences: In-home measurements of ventilation control and source control."
Brown, Richard E., Travis Walter, Laurel N. Dunn, Claudine Y. Custodio, and Paul A. Mathew."Getting Real with Energy Data: Using the Buildings Performance Database to Support Data-Driven Analyses and Decision-Making."
Walker, Iain S., Max H. Sherman, and Brennan Less."Houses are Dumb without Smart Ventilation."
Less, Brennan, and Iain S. Walker."Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation in Residential Deep Energy Retrofits."
Turner, William J. N., and Iain S. Walker."Using a Ventilation Controller to Optimize Residential Passive Ventilation For Energy and Indoor Air Quality."
Piette, Mary Ann, Richard E. Brown, Phillip N. Price, Janie Page, Jessica Granderson, David Riess, Stephen Czarnecki, Girish Ghatikar, and Steven Lanzisera."Automated Measurement and Signaling Systems for the Transactional Network."
Walker, Iain S., Max H. Sherman, Jeffrey Joh, and Wanyu R. Chan."Applying Large Datasets to Developing a Better Understanding of Air Leakage Measurement in Homes."International Journal of Ventilation
11.4 (2013) 323-338.
Walker, Iain S., Darryl J. Dickerhoff, David Faulkner, and William J. N. Turner."System Effects of High Efficiency Filters in Homes."ASHRAE Annual Conference
Walker, Iain S., and Max H. Sherman."Effect of Ventilation Strategies on Residential Ozone Levels."Building and Environment
59 (2013) 456–465. DOI
Walker, Iain S., Darryl J. Dickerhoff, David Faulkner, and William J. N. Turner."Energy Implications of In-‐Line Filtration in California."
Payne, Christopher T., Andrew R. Weber, and Abby Semple."Energy-efficient Public Procurement Best Practice in Program Delivery SEAD Initiative Procurement Working Group."
Sherman, Max H., Iain S. Walker, and Melissa M. Lunden."Uncertainties in Air Exchange using Continuous-Injection, Long-Term Sampling Tracer-Gas Methods."
Turner, William J. N., and Iain S. Walker."Advanced Controls and Sustainable Systems for Residential Ventilation."
Walker, Iain S., Darryl J. Dickerhoff, David Faulkner, and William J. N. Turner."Energy Implications of In-Line Filtration in California Homes."ASHRAE Transactions
19.2 (2012) 99-417.
Logue, Jennifer M., William J. N. Turner, Iain S. Walker, and Brett C. Singer."Evaluation of an Incremental Ventilation Energy Model for Estimating Impacts of Air Sealing and Mechanical Ventilation."
Stratton, J. Chris, and Iain S. Walker."Health and Safety Guide for Home Performance Contractors."
Walker, Iain S., Max H. Sherman, and Darryl J. Dickerhoff."Development of a Residential Integrated Ventilation Controller."
Walker, Iain S., and Darryl J. Dickerhoff."Development of a Residential Integrated Ventilation Controller."
Mortensen, Dorthe Kragsig, Iain S. Walker, and Max H. Sherman."Optimization of Occupancy Based Demand Controlled Ventilation in Residences."International Journal of Ventilation
10.1 (2011) 49-60.