Sun, Kaiyu, Wanni Zhang, Zhaoyun Zeng, Ronnen M. Levinson, Max Wei, and Tianzhen Hong."Passive cooling designs to improve heat resilience of homes in underserved and vulnerable communities."Energy and Buildings
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Hong, Tianzhen, Yujie Xu, Kaiyu Sun, Wanni Zhang, Xuan Luo, and Barry Hooper."Urban microclimate and its impact on building performance: A case study of San Francisco."Urban Climate
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Xu, Yujie, Tianzhen Hong, Wanni Zhang, Zhaoyun Zeng, and Max Wei."Heat Vulnerability Index Development and Mapping."SimAUD 2021
Carnieletto, Laura, Martina Ferrando, Lorenzo Teso, Kaiyu Sun, Wanni Zhang, Francesco Causone, Piercarlo Romagnoni, Angelo Zarrella, and Tianzhen Hong."Italian prototype building models for urban scale building performance simulation."Building and Environment
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Zhang, Wanni, Tianzhen Hong, and Xuan Luo."Extract useful information from building permits data to profile a city’s building retrofit history."2020 Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild co-organized by ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA
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Hong, Tianzhen, Zhe Wang, Xuan Luo, and Wanni Zhang."State-of-the-art on research and applications of machine learning in the building life cycle."Energy and Buildings
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Hong, Tianzhen, Yujie Xu, Kaiyu Sun, Wanni Zhang, and Xuan Luo."Visualizing Urban Microclimate and Quantifying its Impact on Building Energy Use in San Francisco."the 1st ACM International WorkshopProceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Urban Building Energy Sensing, Controls, Big Data Analysis, and Visualization - UrbSys'19
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