Butzbaugh, Joshua, Robert Hosbach, and Alan K. Meier."Miscellaneous electric loads: Characterization and energy savings potential."Energy and Buildings
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Gerber, Daniel L., Alan K. Meier, Richard Liou, and Robert Hosbach."Emerging Zero-Standby Solutions for Miscellaneous Electric Loads and the Internet of Things."Electronics
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Gerber, Daniel L., Alan K. Meier, Robert Hosbach, and Richard Liou."Zero Standby Solutions with Optical Energy Harvesting from a Laser Pointer."Electronics
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Gerber, Daniel L., Alan K. Meier, Robert Hosbach, and Richard Liou."Emerging Solutions to the Standby Power Problem."ACEEE 2018 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Fares, Robert, Marina Sofos, Jared Langevin, Robert Hosbach, Alan K. Meier, Joshua Butzbaugh, and Paul Ehrlich."Improving Characterization of Miscellaneous Energy Loads in Energy Demand Models."2018 ACEEE Summer Study