Liu, Jingjing, and Norman Bourassa."Continuously Improving Energy and Water Management."ASHRAE Journal
(2020). DOI
Mills, Evan, Norman Bourassa, Leo I. Rainer, Jimmy Mai, Ian Vaino, Claire Curtin, Arman Shehabi, Louis-Benoit Desroches, and Nathaniel Mills."A Plug-Loads Game Changer: Computer Gaming Energy Efficiency without Performance Compromise."
Mills, Evan, Norman Bourassa, Leo I. Rainer, Jimmy Mai, Louis-Benoit Desroches, Arman Shehabi, Ted Pollak, and Nathaniel Mills."An Energy-focused Profile of the Video Gaming Marketplace."
Mills, Evan, Norman Bourassa, Leo I. Rainer, Gregory K. Homan, Noel Market, Danny S. Parker, Glenn Dickey, and Joan Glickman."Asset Rating with the Home Energy Scoring Tool."Energy and Building
80 (2014) 441-450. DOI
Bourassa, Norman, Leo I. Rainer, Evan Mills, and Joan Glickman."The Home Energy Scoring Tool: A Simplified Asset Rating for Single Family Homes."2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Parker, Danny S., Evan Mills, Leo I. Rainer, Norman Bourassa, and Gregory K. Homan."Accuracy of the Home Energy Saver Energy Calculation Methodology."2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Mills, Evan, Paul A. Mathew, Mary Ann Piette, Norman Bourassa, and Martha Brook."Action-Oriented Benchmarking: Concepts and Tools."Energy Engineering
Mathew, Paul A., Evan Mills, Norman Bourassa, and Martha Brook."Action-Oriented Benchmarking: Using the CEUS Database to Benchmarking Commercial Buildings in California."Energy Engineering
Haves, Philip, David S. Watson, Norman Bourassa, and Robert J. Hitchcock."Case Studies and Needs Assessment for University Campus Energy Monitoring."
Bourassa, Norman, Mary Ann Piette, and Naoya Motegi."Evaluation of Retrocommissioning Persistence in Large Commercial Buildings."12th National Conference on Building Commissioning
Bourassa, Norman, Mary Ann Piette, and Naoya Motegi."An Evaluation of Savings and Measure Persistence from Retrocommissioning of Large Commercial Buildings."2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Sellers, David, Hannah Friedman, Tudi Haasl, Norman Bourassa, and Mary Ann Piette."Control System Design Guide."
Sellers, David, Hannah Friedman, Tudi Haasl, Norman Bourassa, and Mary Ann Piette."Functional Testing Guide for Air Handling Systems: From the Fundamentals to the Field."
Bourassa, Norman, Mary Ann Piette, and Naoya Motegi."Evaluation of Persistence of Savings from SMUD Retrocommissioning Program."
Piette, Mary Ann, Satkartar Kinney, Norman Bourassa, Kristopher L. Kinney, and Christine Shockman."Summary and Early Findings from a Second Generation Information Monitoring and Diagnostic System."11th National Conference on Building Commissioning
Piette, Mary Ann, Norman Bourassa, Tudi Hassl, David Sellers, Hannah Friedman, and Kenneth L. Gillespie."A New Guide for Commissioning Air Handling Systems: Using a Model Functional Test."2002 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Piette, Mary Ann, Satkartar Kinney, Norman Bourassa, Peng Xu, Philip Haves, and Christine Shockman."Early evaluation of a second generation information monitoring and diagnostic system."
Pal, Vineeta, Konstantinos M. Papamichael, Norman Bourassa, and John J. Loffeld."Incorporating LCA Tools in Integrated Simulation Environments."Seventh International IBPSA Conference, Building Simulation 2001
(2001) 689-696.
Papamichael, Konstantinos M., Vineeta Pal, Norman Bourassa, John J. Loffeld, and Guedi Capeluto."An Expandable Software Model for Collaborative Decision Making During the Whole Building Life Cycle."ACADIA 2000 Conference. Eternity, Infinity and Virtuality in Architecture