Chojnowski, , D, K Straub, Evan Mills, and T White."Online Communities for Creating Change: Home Energy Pros."2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (2012).
Mills, Evan, and Paul A. Mathew."Web Services that Foster Innovation in Buildings Energy Analysis Tools."2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (2012).



Walker, Iain S., Mile Lubliner, Darryl J. Dickerhoff, and William W. Delp."Air Leakage of Furnaces and Air Handlers."2010 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings: The Climate for Efficiency is Now (2010).
Sherman, Max H., and Iain S. Walker."Does Mixing Make Residential Ventilation More Effective?."2010 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (2010).
Walker, Iain S.."Ventilating Existing Homes in the US."Air Infiltration Review 31.2 (2010).


Granderson, Jessica, Junqiao Han Dudley, Sila Kiliccote, and Mary Ann Piette."Chilled Water Storage System and Demand Response at the University of California at Merced."9th International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations, November 17-18, 2009 (2009).