Recommendation For Incorporating Data Center Specific Sustainability Best Practices into EO13514 Implementation

Document that provides guidance on incorporating data center sustainability measures pertaining to specific agency sustainability plans. The energy use reduction directly correlates with the greenhouse gas emission. Although the amount of greenhouse gas emission depends on the source of energy (i.e. coal, natural gas, hydro etc) but any reduction in energy use will reduce the greenhouse gas emission by some measure. The sustainability plan draws on resources developed by the energy consumption reduction best practices as well as other sources where appropriate. The recommendation in this document should assist the agency sustainability plans, following the CEQ-OMB template. Power management, moving to Cloud, monitoring of the power use, overall reduction of number of the data centers, use of EnergyStar IT equipment, increase of utilization of IT equipment, virtualization and finally reducing energy use to achieve PUE of less than 1.5 are the highlights of the requirements.
