Publications: Intelligent Façades
Gehbauer, Christoph, David H. Blum, Taoning Wang, and Eleanor S. Lee."Integrated Dynamic Facade Control with an Agent-based Architecture for Commercial Buildings."
Wu, Yujie, Taoning Wang, Eleanor S. Lee, Jérôme Henri Kämpf, and Jean-Louis Scartezzini."Split-pane electrochromic window control based on an embedded photometric device with real-time daylighting computing."Building and Environment
161 (2019) 106229. DOI
Lee, Eleanor S., Dennis L. DiBartolomeo, Edward L. Vine, and Stephen E. Selkowitz."Integrated Performance of an Automated Venetian Blind/Electric Lighting System in a Full-Scale Private Office."ASHRAE/DOE/BTECC Conference, Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings VII
Lee, Eleanor S., and Stephen E. Selkowitz."Design and Performance of an Integrated Envelope/Lighting System."ICBEST '97 International Conference on Building Envelope Systems and Technology
(1997) 375-380.
Lee, Eleanor S., Dennis L. DiBartolomeo, and Stephen E. Selkowitz."Thermal and Daylighting of an Automated Venetian Blind and Lighting System in a Full-Scale Private Office."Energy and Buildings
29 (1997) 47-63.
DiBartolomeo, Dennis L., Eleanor S. Lee, Francis M. Rubinstein, and Stephen E. Selkowitz."Developing a Dynamic Envelope/Lighting Control System with Field Measurements."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
26 (1996) 146-164.
Lee, Eleanor S., and Stephen E. Selkowitz."The Design and Evaluation of Integrated Envelope and Lighting Control Strategies for Commercial Buildings."ASHRAE Transactions
101.1 (1995) 326-342.